Greening the estate

    Karen & ATM

    Greening the estate

    Green Refuge, South Acton

    ARTification, with support from Acton Gardens community chest, we plan to develop the 'Green Refuge' project that aims to Create an Urban oasis and 'green' South Acton Estate. 

    We will be working with residents, children, young people and older people to help make ecological art, plant vegetables and flowers. We will run workshops, community events and harvest festival to engage people in food growing, arts and community activities.

    The programme starts soon with opportunities for residents to join us... Our aim: 

    • Resident engagement & investment in South Acton ecology & art
    • Create Urban oases
    • Community health & well-being nurtured

    We will create artworks to transform by the imaginative planting and placing of the art and wooden features, including the creation of insect hotels and other installations, and making a garden for food growing.



    Help in the creation of beautiful spaces, where people want to be, help create and take care of. A small organic garden area to grow herbs and vegetables and adding to the diversity of plants and animals and inspire community participation. Combining made objects and plants will make a beautiful urban oasis that adds to health and well-being.



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