W3 gallery
Arts & Culture
W3 Gallery is a not for profit artistic space which curates and produces exhibitions by artists and arts organisations working across visual arts, sound, moving image and performance. The aim is to revitalise Acton High Street and bring arts and culture to diverse communities who are often excluded from the arts.
The W3 gallery at the heart of cultural arts in West London. Utilizing our prime, high street location and running a number of ventures including:
- ARTification HQ from which we deliver our cultural programme and community arts projects
- Acton TV studio filming Acton news features
- Themed programme of Visual arts exhibitions
- Performance opportunities (spoken word, acoustic et al)
- Arts & cultural venue and meeting place of cultural industries
- Events and functions, meetings and socials
W3 gallery
185, High Street, Acton, London, W3 6DJ.
020 8896 9247
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