
ARTification have been selected as the Implementation partner in the Northolt Public Arts.  The creative brief for the multiple public art sites centres around the predefined themes of Celebrating Heritage, Northolt's People and Diversity, Identity…
art, culture, community
Shabnam Masih, Art Lead for Gifford Primary School talks to us about how they’ve worked in partnership with local artists, creative organisations and other schools and partners to support their Artsmark journey and realise the vision of the Ealing…
Lead Artist Eloisa Henderson Figueroa
Acton Carnival XX Emeral Celebration provided performance platforms & structured activities to facilitate & encourage residents, creatives & communities to celebrate 20 years of Carnival arts in Acton. supporting Acton residents,…
street procession
The Martinwear Centenary project celebrates the Martin Brothers’ contribution to art pottery who worked in Southall between 1877 and 1930. ARTification is a delivery partner in this Arts Council England funded project & is a multi-partnered,…
Martinwear pottery
The Living Art/Art of Living Project is an Erasmus+ funded collaboration led by Poland & involving organisations from Greece, Italy, Turkey & the UK. Artification has been working along side the UK partner, DHR, to devise a contribution…
EU project associates
Arts activities include expressive arts in the form of Making, Music & Movement. Tasters in creative experiences including the creation of wearable art (textiles, design & make), musical expression (sound, rhythms & rhymes) &…
Summer pop-up
The South Acton City Village initiative aims to connect people in place. We are working in partnership with Berrymede Junior & Infant School as the heART of the community, alongside residents, creatives, partners, groups & those with a…
Community connection at South Acton Bloc Party
Art in the heart of Acton. Walking Gallery in Acton is comprised of artwork from six local artists, the Walking Gallery pieces are on display in the windows of vacant shop units around Acton Town centre.  ARTi artists: Mohammad Yassin, Fem Sorcell…
Fem Sorcell
Come and join a small group in North Acton and use Art and Gardening to tackle mental health challenges.  Grow and Create is a free 8-week social and therapeutic programme using art, gardening and cooking to manage and recover from common issues…
MyMural Vote: Select your top 3 artists for the wall from here: https://drive.google.com/.../1HBwZvUpVZn8xd5yITKlpn9.../view Email your top three preferences to mymural@gmail.com before 31st March 2021. The most popular three artists between all…
Bollo Brook Park